Marston Sprängbleck

Marston Sprängbleck

Har du några frågor?

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 16

Jörgen Sundin
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 12

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Ett komplett sortiment av sprängbleck, från konventionella icke återstängande till kompositmaterial och "reverse buckling discs".

  • Single action devices that offer the ultimate over-pressure protection for vessels.
  • React to pressure differences between the process and the vent.
  • Can be manufactured to almost any recognized standard bore diameter, depending on the bursting pressure, operating pressure and related temperatures.
  • Special bore diameters available to meet specific constraints.
  • Broad range of materials options.
  • Wide range from simple forward acting tensile loaded assemblies to grooved reverse-buckling compression loaded units.
  • Design options include simple single discs clamped directly between flanges or complex multi-disc assemblies including both reverse buckling primary discs and conventional secondary discs with high capability reverse pressure supports.