Kunkle Valve Bailey 776 kryogen säkerhetsventil

Kunkle Valve Bailey 776 kryogen säkerhetsventil

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Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 17


Kenneth Olsson
Account Manager
Tel. 054-57 92 04


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Kunkle Valve Bailey 776 är lämplig för skydd av rörsystem, tankar och utrustning som innehåller kryogena, kalla och fina gaser.

Material Bronze, stainless steel
Sizes ½” to 2” (Dn 15 to 50)
Connections Threaded
Pressure range 15 to 599 psig (1 to 41.3 barg)
Temperature range -321°F to 140°F (-196°C to 60°C)
  • Full lift design, top guided construction and an unobstructed seat bore provide maximum discharge capacity.
  • Positive sealing through a freely pivoted disc with Kel F (PCTFE) soft seat technology.
  • Designed to conform to ISO4126, AD Merkblatt A2, ASME VIII and BS6759 Parts 2 and 3.
  • Production assembly and tests carried out in accordance with both BOC and Air Products specifications.
  • Pressure tight dome fitted as standard.