Keystone K-LOK H-serien högpresterande vridspjällsventil

Keystone K-LOK H-serien högpresterande vridspjällsventil

Har du några frågor?

Bernhard Witzelsteiner
Account Manager
Mob. 070 378 83 35

Fredrik Andrée
Process Engineer, Engineering dept.
Tel. 054-57 92 41

Fredrik Malmström
Solution Seller
Tel. 040-33 02 33

Frågor på produkten?

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Keystone™ K-LOK erbjuder en lång omloppstid och en lägre ägandekostnad tack vare dess unika sätesmöjligheter, vilket ger dubbelriktad, dropptät avstängning i vakuum såväl som vid fullt nominellt differentialtryck. Series H2 ASME Class 300/50 bar. Denna produkt är endast tillgänglig i Europa.

  • Increased operator safety is provided by a standard blow-out proof shaft which meets the requirements of API 60.
  • Flexibility is provided by a unique packing design which is suitable for both pressure and vacuum without modification or special assembly.
  • Positive shutoff and maximum seat life is achieved due to a cast in disc stop that perfectly aligns the disc into the seat.
  • Reduced downtime and increased valve life is achieved by positioning the bearings close to the disc, providing maximum shaft support.
  • Actuator mounting integrity is increased due to the ability to direct mount to the valve top plate without the use of brackets and couplings.
  • Maintenance of packing is made easy due to an extended neck which allows for clearance of pipe insulation.
  • All valves comply with Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), CE marking.