Keystone GR-serien vridspjällsventiler

Keystone GR-serien vridspjällsventiler

Har du några frågor?

Bernhard Witzelsteiner
Account Manager
Mob. 070 378 83 35

Fredrik Ekeroth
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 06

Fredrik Malmström
Solution Seller
Tel. 040-33 02 33

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Keystone™ GR-serien är en mjuktätande vridspjällsventil för allmän användning. Dem finns tillgänglig som flänsad, luggad och med inspänt montage, för alla applikationer där dropptät avstängning och maximal flödesarea krävs.

Sizes DN 50 - 900 (NPS 2 - 36)
Pressure 16 bar DN 50 - 300 (230 psi NPS 2 - 12)
10 bar DN 350 - 900 (150 psi NPS 14 - 36)
Reinforced seat 16 bar DN 350 - 600 (230 psi NPS 14 - 24)
End of line 10 bar DN 50 - 300 (150 psi NPS 2 - 12)
6 bar DN 350 - 900 (90 psi NPS 14 - 36)
Reinforced seat 10 bar DN 350 - 600 (150 psi NPS 14 - 24)
Vacuum service 0.4 bar (5.8 psia)
Temperature -40°C to +160°C (-40 °F to +320°F)
Flange accommodation PN 6/10/16, 125/150, JIS 10K, BS Table E, AS4087 PN 16, AS2129 Table E
  • Wafer and lugged body design with face-to-face dimension, according to EN 558 Series 20 and API 609.
  • Designed according to EN 593 and API 609.
  • The seat is field replaceable and fully isolates the body and shaft from the flow.
  • Primary shaft sealing exceeds the pressure rating of the valve and prevents leakage through shaft area to atmosphere.
  • A secondary shaft sealing provides back-up safety.
  • A molded-in O-ring in the seat for flange sealing eliminates the need for gaskets.
  • Shaft seals prevent moisture penetrating into the shaft area.
  • The two piece shaft allows for a thin disc and provides minimal obstruction to flow (up to DN 300/ NPS 12).
  • Rounded polished disc edge gives full concentric sealing, lower torques, longer seat life and drop-tight shut-off.
  • Body locating holes allow ease of installation and centering between the flanges.
  • Extended body neck allows for pipe insulation.
  • Top and bottom shaft bearings for optimized support and minimum friction and decreased torque.