Keystone BrewSeal mjuktätande vridspjällsventil

Keystone BrewSeal mjuktätande vridspjällsventil

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Fredrik Ekeroth
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 06

Fredrik Malmström
Solution Seller
Tel. 040-33 02 33

Johan Riedenlow
Account Manager
Tel. 040-33 02 30

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Keystone™ BrewSeal är en mjuktätande vridspjällsventil. DN 40 - 800 för inspänt montage eller med luggade flänsar, optimerade för livsmedels- och dryckesindustrin.

Certifications PED
End Connection Lugged, Wafer
Application Beverages, Brewing
Material Cast Iron, 316 Stainless Steel, Epdm Rubber, Teflon
Operating Temperature Less than 150 C
Pressure Class PN
Process Connection Type PN16
Seat/Seal Type Resilient
Shutoff Class Zero Leakage
Valve Size NPS 4 / DN 100, NPS 3 / DN 80, NPS 24 / DN 600, NPS 2-1/2 / DN 65, NPS 2 / DN 50, NPS 18 / DN 450, NPS 16 / DN 400, NPS 6 / DN 150, NPS 20 / DN 500, NPS 10 / DN 250, NPS 1-1/2 / DN 40, NPS 12 / DN 300, NPS 8 / DN 200, NPS 14 / DN 350
Valve Size Standard DN
Valve Type Butterfly
Media Liquids
Stem O-ring
  • Top bushing absorbs actuator side thrust loads.
  • Dirtscraper prevents moisture penetrating into the shaft area.
  • Actuator flange acc. ISO 5211.
  • High solid, glossy, silicone free, paint system ensuring excellent corrosion resistance.
  • Body locating holes ease installation and centering between the flanges.
  • Sealed body splits prevent moistures from penetrating behind the seat (up to DN 300).
  • Rounded polished disc edge gives full concentric sealing, lower torques, longer seat life and bubble-tight shut-off.
  • The seat is field replaceable and fully isolates the body and stem from the flow.
  • Primary stem sealing exceeds the pressure rating of the valve and prevents leakage through shaft area to atmosphere.
  • A secondary shaft sealing provides back-up safety.
  • A molded-in O-ring in the seat for flange sealing eliminates the need for gaskets.
  • The thin disc provides the very minimum obstruction to flow (up to DN 300).