Fisher typ 63EG pilotstyrd regulator

Fisher typ 63EG pilotstyrd regulator

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Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 17

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 16

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Tel. 054-57 92 04

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Fisher™ 63EG pilotstyrda tryckavlastningsventiler kan användas för både flytande och gasapplikationer. Typ 63EG är också lämplig för att strypa mottryck eller bypass-applikationer. Huvudventilerna i båda konstruktionerna använder ett trim-paket som går snabbt att byta, för snabbt underhåll. För fjärrövervakning finns ett positionsmonteringsfäste (PMB) för typen 63EG för att montera 4300-serien trådlösa monitorer på färdindikatorn.

Body Size and End Connection Styles Body Sizes: NPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 x 6, 12 x 6 / DN 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 x 150, 300 x 150
End Connections: NPT, CL150 RF, CL300 RF, CL600 RF, CL125FF, CL250RF, BWE, SWE, or PN 16/24/40
Maximum Relief (Inlet) Pressure 400 psig / 27,6 bar
Relief Set Pressure Range 10 to 400 psig / 0,69 to 27,6 bar in nine ranges
Temperature Capabilities Nitrile (NBR): -20° to 180°F / -29° to 82°C
Fluorocarbon (FKM): 0° to 300°F / -18° to 149°C
Ethylenepropylene (EPDM): -20° to 275°F / -29° to 135°C 
  • Quiet Operation—The Whisper Trim™ cage option can reduce noise from high-velocity gas by as much as 10 decibels. Whisper Trim equipped regulators are especially engineered for high-pressure applications where sonic gas velocities are often encountered at relief valve outlets.
  • Tight Shutoff—A knife-edged metal plug and soft seat provide bubble tight shutoff.
  • Easy In-Line Maintenance—Top entry design enables easier maintenance. Trim parts can be inspected, cleaned and replaced without removing the body from pipeline.
  • Low Buildup—6358 Series relief valve pilots reduce the buildup required to protect system from overpressure.
  • Full Usable Capacity—Fisher brand products are laboratory tested. 100% of the published flow capacity can be used with confidence.
  • Travel Indicator—Simplifies in-service inspection and system troubleshooting
  • Stable Startup—The unique hollow valve stem in the pilot provides quick pressure registration on top of the main valve plug preventing main valve unseating during normal system startup.