Fisher TBX Ångkonditioneringsventil

Fisher TBX Ångkonditioneringsventil

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Sören Kindlund
Engineering Manager
Tel. 054-57 92 18

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Fisher™ ångkonditioneringsventil reducerar både ångtryck och temperatur i samma ventil. Konstruktionen tillåter snabba laständringar vilket ofta förekommer vid kraftverk för topplast. Den kan även med fördel användas vid turbintrip för att skydda överhettartuber, kondensor och rörsyststem.

Certifications PED, CRN
Critical Service Noise Abatement, Steam Conditioning
Flow Characteristics Linear
Material SA105, F22, F91
Operating Temperature High Temperature
Pressure Class ASME
Process Connection Type Flanged, Butt Weld, RTJ
Shutoff Class Class IV (FCI 70-2), Class V (FCI 70-2)
Valve Size NPS 4, NPS 6, NPS 8, NPS 10, NPS 12, NPS 14, NPS 16, NPS 18, NPS 20, NPS 22, NPS 24, NPS 26, NPS 28, NPS 30, NPS 32, NPS 34, NPS 36, NPS 38, NPS 40, NPS 42, NPS 44, NPS 46, NPS 48
Valve Size Standard NPS
  • Combines pressure and temperature control in a single valve.
  • Rugged cage-guided design enables handling of full pressure drop of main steam.
  • Whisper Trim ™ III and WhisperFlo™ trims help to attenuate the noise by 30 to 40 dBA.
  • Use of the Fisher Bore Seal trim gives capability of standard Class V shutoff up to 593°C (1100°F). This unique balanced trim is field-proven.
  • FEA designed valve body can handle the most demanding applications without thermal stress problems.
  • Permits vertical stem orientation for ease of maintenance in most applications.
  • The cage is case-hardened for maximum life and is allowed to grow during thermally induced excursions. The plug is continuously guided and employs cobalt-based overlays for guide bands and tight metal-to-metal shutoff against the seat.