Fisher EZH och EZHSO-serien regulatorer

Fisher EZH och EZHSO-serien regulatorer

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Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 17

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 16

Kenneth Olsson
Account Manager
Tel. 054-57 92 04

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Fisher™ EZH (Spring-to-Close) och EZHSO (Spring-to-Open) serierna regulatorer är exakta pilotstyrda, tryckbalanserade, mjuksätade regulatorer. De är konstruerade för användning i naturgasöverförings- / stadsportstationer med högt tryck, stora kapacitetsdistributionssystem och kraftverksmatningar. De ger jämn, tillförlitlig drift, tajt avstängning och lång livslängd.

Available Configurations Type EZH (Spring-to-Close) and EZHSO (Spring-to-Open): Control range of 14.5 to 1160 psig / 1 to 80 bar
Type EZHOSX and EZHSO-OSX: Type EZH and EZHSO with integrated Type OS2 slam-shut device
Body Sizes and End Connection Styles Body Sizes: NPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12x6 / DN 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300x150
End Connections: NPT, CL150 RF, CL300 RF, CL600 RF, BWE, SWE
Maximum Allowable Pressures Inlet Pressure: 1500 psig / 103 bar
Outlet (Casing) Pressure: 1500 psig / 103 bar
Emergency Casing Pressure: 1500 psig / 103 bar
Outlet Pressure Range 14.5 to 1160 psig / 1.0 to 80.0 bar
Temperature Capabilities Nitrile (NBR) Version: -20 to 180°F / -29 to 82°C
Fluorocarbon (FKM) Version: 0 to 180°F / -18 to 82°C
Polyurethane (PU): All body sizes except NPS 3 to 4 / DN 80 to 100: -22 to 180°F / -30 to 82°C, NPS 3 to 4 / DN 80 to 100 Sizes: -4 to 180°F / -20 to 82°C
  • Absolutely No Atmospheric Bleed—Eliminates nuisance and wasteful bleed gas to atmosphere by utilizing a pilot-operated control system, which bleeds 100% of the gas to the downstream system.
  • Bubble-Tight Shutoff—A knife-edged metal plug and soft seat provide bubble tight shutoff for use in applications where positive shutoff is required such as dead-end systems.
  • Long Life in Severe Service Applications—The metal plug design deflects particles and debris away from the soft-seat, which gives excellent particle erosion resistance, prolonging service life.
  • Failure Mode Options—The Type EZHSO spring-to-open design can be utilized to maximize uptime while the Type EZH spring-to-close design can be utilized to protect downstream assets. For many customers, combining the two technologies with a Type EZHSO worker and Type EZH monitor incorporates the best of both worlds.
  • Precise Pressure Control—Provides stable and accurate downstream pressure control regardless of load changes or inlet pressure variations.
  • Quiet Operation—The Whisper Trim™ Cage option reduces noise by up to 8 dBa at the source, eliminating the need for expensive path treatments such as insulation, buried valves, and enclosures which only mask noise.
  • Full Pressure Rating—The equal inlet and outlet pressure rating of 1500 psig / 103 bar, which allows easier selection and requires no special startup or shutdown procedures.
  • Integral Slam Shut Configurations—Types EZHOSX and EZHSO-OSX discontinue gas service by shutting the gas off if there is an overpressure or underpressure condition.