Fisher A31D Dubbelflänsad vridspjällsventil

Fisher A31D Dubbelflänsad vridspjällsventil

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Andreas Christoffersen
Account Manager
Tel. 054-52 46 18

Erik Rune
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 31

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 16

Niklas Pettersson
Account Manager
Tel. 054-57 92 09

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Fisher™ A31D är en dubbelflänsad, högpresterande vridspjällsventil med antingen en rät eller fastkilad axel. A31D används i strypande applikationer eller på/av-service och finns i NPS 3 till 12, CL150 och CL300.

Certifications PED, CRN, Fugitive Emission, NACE, ATEX, CUTR, Fire Safe
Critical Service General Service
Flow Characteristics Linear
Material Carbon Steel, Stainless, Alloy
Operating Temperature Standard Temperature, High Temperature
Pressure Class ASME
Process Connection Type Double Flanged
Shutoff Class Class VI (FCI 70-2), MSS SP-61
Valve Size NPS 3, NPS 4, NPS 6, NPS 8, NPS 10, NPS 12
Valve Size Standard NPS
  • The pressure-assisted seal design provides tight shutoff and permits the use of smaller actuators in applications requiring full ASME B16.34 shutoff capabilities.
  • The A31D valve design helps to ensure that the torque necessary to open and close the valve is the same, regardless of the direction in which the differential pressure is applied.
  • Shaft-blowout protection is designed into the A31D valve.
  • The optional ENVIRO-SEAL™ packing system is designed with improved sealing, guiding, and loading force transmission.
  • This valve will meet your actuator needs with a choice of splined or keyed shaft connections.
  • Trim and bolting materials are available for applications involving sour liquids and gases.
  • Seal retainer screws are located so there is no interference with the sealing function of either flat sheet or spiral-wound line flange gaskets.
  • The valve body self-centers on the line flange bolts as a fast, accurate means of centering the valve in the pipeline.