Bettis TEC2 elektriskt ställdon

Bettis TEC2 elektriskt ställdon

Detta elektriska ställdon är nästa generation av de icke störande TEC2000-ställdonen. Bettis™ har en robust och kompakt design som används i stor utsträckning på ventiler för marina, olje- och gas-, kemiska, kraft-, vatten- och avloppsvattenapplikationer. Modell 500 produceras inte längre.

Har du några frågor?

Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 17

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Tel. 054-57 92 16

Power Source Electric
Product Type Electric Actuator
Actuation Electric
Certifications FM ,CSA,ATEX, IECEx, TRCU, InMetro, RMRS ,ABS
Control Type On/off, Positioning, Throttling
Valve Type Gate, Globe
  • Separately Sealed Terminal Chamber (STC), dual sealed, allows installation wiring to be performed without exposing electronic control components
  • Anti-condensation space heater thermostat prevents internal condensation due to temperature cycling with solid-state thermo-statically controlled to turn heater off
  • Large LCD message screen uses icons and text to display status of valve and provide diagnostic data, easy to guide operator through multi-language capable, calibration, setup, and diagnostics
  • Non-penetrating control knobs operate with vibration resistant Hall-effect switches enabling actuator calibration and diagnostics without opening covers
  • Double-reduction motor gears provide flexibility, enables worm gearing to operate at lower speeds for minimum wear and long life
  • Self-locking gearing even during declutching and manual override and valve stem cannot be back-driven under high process pressures or heavy weight of gate

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