Pressure/Vacuum Valves and Flame arresters

Maintain a constant vacuum by limiting the vacuum source or controlling the vacuum with positive pressure.

We offer a wide variety of flame and detonation arrester products with maximum flow to pressure drop characteristics. Our portfolio includes in-line, free vent, deflagration and detonation flame arresters.

Enardo™ flame arresters use spiral wound, crimped-metal ribbon flame cell elements to inhibit flame propagation by absorbing and dissipating heat. Connection sizes range from 3/4 inch up to 36 inches.

Pressure/Vacuum relief valves are installed on storage tanks to control evaporation and emission losses resulting from hazardous vapor-producing products. Emergency relief vents provides emergency pressure relief for storage tanks when exposed to over pressures not handled by standard tank vents.


Any questions?

Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Phone. +46 54-57 92 17

Kenneth Olsson
Account Manager
Phone. +46 54-57 92 04

Anders Praem
Inside Sales Engineer
Phone. +45 2137 7759

Slawka Pedersen
Inside Sales Manager
Phone. +45 2137 7702

Henna Ketoja
Inside Sales Engineer
Mob. +358 400 612 124

Tommi Penttilä
Sales Manager Conventional Power
Phone. +358 207 416 208
Mob. +358 40 512 2308