UF-107 Fisher FIELDVUE™ DVC & ValveLink Diagnostic Data Interpretation

UF-107 Fisher FIELDVUE™ DVC & ValveLink Diagnostic Data Interpretation

Any questions?

Frank Beckius
Education Manager
Phone. +46 54-57 92 36


Marie Ögren
Marketing & Education Coordinator
Phone. +46 54-57 92 11


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This training is based on Emersons education cours 1759 Fisher Diagnostic Data Interpretation using ValveLink™ Software for FIELDVUE™.

This 2-day course uses practical exercises and discussions to teach the student to interpret and analyze diagnostic data obtained using FIELDVUE™ digital valve controllers and ValveLink™ software. Students will perform diagnostic tests on a variety of valve/actuator combinations and use the data to determine bench set, dynamic error band, seat load, spring rate and other pertinent parameters. Students will also perform comparison tests on valve/actuator assemblies containing configuration or operating flaws and use the data for troubleshooting purposes.

Course summary

  • Be able to collect diagnostic data from FIELDVUE DVC using ValveLink software
  • Explain the use of available diagnostic tools in the ValveLink software
  • Be able to troubleshoot control valves with preferred troubleshooting methodology
  • Be able to interpret and analyze data readings and valve diagnostics from AD and PD diagnostic tiers performed with ValveLink software.

This course is for technicians, engineers and others responsible to collect and interpret valve diagnostic tests performed using ValveLink™ software.

Students must have completed one of the following: UF-105 or UF-106.

Contact us for more information or registration.
An application is not the same as a guaranteed place.
Email sales@askalon.se or call +46 54 57 92 00