Steam atomizing nozzle

Steam atomizing nozzle

A desuperheater that solves the problem with insufficient atomization of spraywater due to low steam velocity. Uses high-pressure steam for rapid and complete atomization of spraywater which ensures efficient desuperheating.

Installed with flanged connections on pipe sizes DN 200 - DN 1500 (NPS 8 – NPS 60). Maximum Cv 9,97. Spraywater connections are NPS 1, 1-1/2 or NPS 2. Atomizing steam connection is NPS 1, 1-1/2 or NPS 2. ASME #150, #300, #600, #900, #1500.

Any questions?

Fredrik Andrée
Process Engineer, Engineering dept.
Phone. +46 54-57 92 41

Sören Kindlund
Engineering Manager
Phone. +46 54-57 92 18

Peder Hvidberg
Area Account Manager West
Phone. +45 2178 5053

Risto Wallin
Country Manager Askalon Finland
Phone. +358 207 416 209
Mob. +358 400 448 248