Bettis TEC2 Electric Valve Actuator

Bettis TEC2 Electric Valve Actuator

Any questions?

Joachim Nyqvist
Solution Seller
Phone. +46 54-57 92 17

Joakim Karlsson
Solution Seller
Phone. +46 54-57 92 16

Anders Praem
Inside Sales Engineer
Phone. +45 2137 7759

Frank Kirk Hansen
Account Manager
Phone. +45 4053 6511

Slawka Pedersen
Inside Sales Manager
Phone. +45 2137 7702

Tommi Penttilä
Sales Manager Conventional Power
Phone. +358 207 416 208
Mob. +358 40 512 2308

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This electric valve actuator is the next generation of the non-intrusive TEC2000 Actuator. Bettis™ TEC2 has a robust and compact design that are widely used on valves for marine, oil and gas, chemical, power, and water and wastewater applications. Model 500 is discontinued.

Power Source Electric
Product Type Electric Actuator
Actuation Electric
Certifications FM ,CSA,ATEX, IECEx, TRCU, InMetro, RMRS ,ABS
Control Type On/off, Positioning, Throttling
Valve Type Gate, Globe
  • Separately Sealed Terminal Chamber (STC), dual sealed, allows installation wiring to be performed without exposing electronic control components
  • Anti-condensation space heater thermostat prevents internal condensation due to temperature cycling with solid-state thermo-statically controlled to turn heater off
  • Large LCD message screen uses icons and text to display status of valve and provide diagnostic data, easy to guide operator through multi-language capable, calibration, setup, and diagnostics
  • Non-penetrating control knobs operate with vibration resistant Hall-effect switches enabling actuator calibration and diagnostics without opening covers
  • Double-reduction motor gears provide flexibility, enables worm gearing to operate at lower speeds for minimum wear and long life
  • Self-locking gearing even during declutching and manual override and valve stem cannot be back-driven under high process pressures or heavy weight of gate