OKG nuclear power plant praises Askalon's service technicians

In recent weeks, almost 50 service technicians from Askalon have worked on OKG's shutdown. The nuclear power plant is very satisfied and praises the safety thinking of the technicians.

- Thanks for a good job!

This is how OKG's service manager Henrik Stark begins his email to Askalon's salesman for nuclear power, Mats Görrel.

- Askalon has excelled in a very positive way in terms of safety, security thinking and order, Henrik Stark writes further in his email and says that this has been noticed in the performed safety rounds.

The safety round reports with this information have gone up to the very top management at OKG / Uniper. Of course, the praise pleases both the service technicians and Mats Görrel.

- As a salesperson, I am extremely happy and proud that our service technicians, who are so professional in terms of safety and quality, are appreciated by the customer. This gives us a good rating that shows that we perform our work correctly. It also gives us an energy boost to be even better in the future, says Mats Görrel and gives great praise to all employees who in one way or another contribute to the work.

- On behalf of our service technicians, I am very happy that OKG pays attention and praises our effort to always put safety first.

During the large project at OKG, Askalon's service technicians from Hammarö and Västervik have worked almost 15,000 hours for about seven weeks. Valve service on the reactor and in the turbine part are the main work areas. But Askalon also staffed storages and the workshop inside the active site - the station - with a number of people.

Photo: OKG