Nadine Steenberg Askalon

A successful Iceland visit

Iceland is a country of great natural beauty and a hub for geothermal energy, which makes it a perfect destination for businesses in the energy industry. Recently, Morten Noppenau and Nadine Steenberg had the opportunity to visit our customers and partners in Iceland, and it was an eye-opening experience. Here is a short story about their visit.

During our visit, we had the chance to tour the HS Orkas geothermal plant Reykjanesvirkjun, which is one of the largest geothermal power plants in Iceland. This plant produces electricity and hot water for residential, commercial, and industrial use, and we were impressed with its size and efficiency. Our main purpose for this visit was to inspect some large size Vanessa valves with Biffi Electric actuators we sold a couple of years back. Although these valves are relatively new, HS Orka have extensive experience with the valve model and are extremely satisfied with their performance in geothermal plants where they performed excellently over the years. We look forward to continued success with these valves in the future as the geothermal market expands.

Morten Noppenau Askalon in Iceland

The tour of the plant also gave us a good introduction to the plant's design and function. We learned about the various types of geothermal power plants, how they work, and their advantages over other types of power plants. We were also able to see firsthand the importance of reliable and high-quality valves in such an environment.

In addition to the plant tour, we also participated in The HD Service Day, which was organized by our partners at HD. This event gave us the opportunity to present Askalon to 60-70 different customers from the geothermal industry and the fish farming industry. We were thrilled to be able to showcase our products and services to such a large and diverse audience.

Nadine Steenberg at Iceland exhibition

During the event, we had the chance to talk one-to-one with most of the attendees, which led to some really interesting product discussions. We received a lot of positive feedback about our Vanessa valves, particularly from those in the geothermal industry, who appreciated their reliability and high performance in harsh environments. We also had a lot of interest in our Keystone CompoSeal valve, which is a butterfly valve made of a composite material that is ideal for use in the fish farming industry. This valve can handle warm seawater without any corrosion issues, which is a significant advantage in this industry.

Morten Noppenau at HD day in Iceland

Overall, our visit to Iceland was a great success. We were able to meet with our customers and partners, learn more about the geothermal industry, and showcase our products to a wider audience. We look forward to continuing our relationships with our Icelandic partners and exploring new opportunities in this dynamic and exciting market. 

Morten Noppenau
Country Manager Askalon Denmark
Phone. +45 2121 3491