A training at Askalon may be the smartest investment you have ever made. With increased knowledge of valve diagnostics, you can on your own improve your control loops and prevent expensive, unplanned shutdowns.
Askalon has courses certified by Emerson as well as our own courses.
Askalon training center
Askalon provides a comprehensive training program for the process industry's instrument, maintenance and project engineers and service technicians. Here you will learn basics and deepening in preventive and state-based maintenance in the process industry.
In modern classrooms at Hammarö outside Karlstad, a series of scheduled courses are continuously offered. Upon request, we also provide special programs for customer-specific needs and also to customers' own premises around Sweden.
Sustainability is essential and we want to be a sustainable company. That together with the increased needs for distance learning, made us introduce some of our courses as remote educations. An education from a remote class room is as good as one in Askalon's training centre.
Calculation of control valves
FIELDVUE™ positioner
Valve Diagnostics
Valve Service
AMS Device Manager